Sunday 14 February 2016

Improvements made to TimeToast

For my timetoast, I have added some additional events, such as the editing dates, photography, filming etc.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Complete Package Audience Feedback

 The 'Complete Package Audience Feedback' was a last minute feedback session that was completed quickly. Despite this rush, I received feedback like never before, urging my audience to give thorough and detailed feedback, as well as encourage them to express their feelings about the complete package, positive and negative.  Here are brief notes on the feedback I have received for both the music video and the print products, which will be developed on in my evaluation task:

Music Video
-Transitions enable music video to run smoothly.
-Correlation between lyrics and visuals
-Variation in camera angles, creates suspense and makes you want to continue watching. 
-Need to use colour correction to enable scenes correlating with each other, as sudden changes in lighting makes it look unprofessional. 
-Editing to make sure lip-syncing is in-sync with the music.
-Positive feedback on the performance elements of our music video and balance between conceptual and performance elements. 
-Lighting and location showing the emotional carousel of the artist.
-Camera work enabling both stillness and movement. 
-Slow motion and location reflecting inner emotions of artist.
-Advised to use mid shots. 

Print Products:
-Photography of front cover-artist eyes
-Font for magazine quotes too small
-Simplicity and colour scheme maintained throughout the entire package
-Some pages from photobook album do not look like real media product. 
-Too many colours (sudden gradient pink) and font size too small for some typographic features. 

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Physical Album (Interior)

I have finally produced the inside of the album, which comprises of the photobook and CD.